How you conduct a search for commercial properties for sale in Malta depends on your reason for doing so. There is a difference between looking for a commercial premises in which you want to conduct business and a property you are buying for investment purposes.

If the property is for your business, it will need to be fit for purpose. The space should be able to accommodate your operation whether it is offices for a service industry, a shop for retail, or a hospitality establishment. Location might also be top of the list if your business relies on footfall. You’ll need to think about transport links or availability of parking.

If however, you’re looking for commercial property as an investment, your main concerns will be price and potential yield. Location will be of lesser import.

Here at, we know there is a huge range of potential types of commercial property, so our search function enables you to narrow down your choices. In the basic search, you can choose to look for a specific or general location and selling price. In the advanced search, you can enter keywords to pinpoint your criteria.

We’re here to help you through the process of looking for commercial properties for sale in Malta, so any questions, please contact us.

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